Ask yourself what your relationship with food looks like and be honest with yourself. Did you have a mother that told you - your plate had to be clean even though you were full; and you still unconsciously carry that conditioning in your mind/body organ? Are you emotional or stressed and use food as medication to feel better? Are you a person who loves to cook and uses the preparation of meals as a source of giving and receiving love? Do you eat mindlessly in front of the television because it gives you something to do? Do you order an enormous box of popcorn and a overly large soda at the movies because its a habit and that's what everyone else is doing? Do you have an addiction to food - where you find you are constantly thinking about food and will eat at any opportunity? Were you abused at a young age and find yourself using food to control your body image so that you intentionally become unattractive? There are many more reasons, emotional and otherwise, that will sabotage a healthy food relationship; even if you have good knowledge of nutrition. Soul wounds and unconscious behaviors wreak havoc with your Divine Knowing and must be acknowledged and healed before your struggles can slowly be a thing of the past.
Start by acknowledging your food relationship wound. Look into the mirror and say to yourself, "regardless of the wound that has contributed to my unhealthy relationship with food - I fully and completely love and accept myself". Follow that thought inward to your Divine Power and recognize your own glimmer of light. As you become comfortable with this shift, you will have the opportunity to bring forth your God self to heal the emotional wound and allow you to start treating your body as your temple and make conscious food choices.
Once you remember and recognize that you are a spiritual being, you can revel in the challenges and opportunities of being human while knowing you are connected to Divine Source and Substance.