Wednesday, December 7, 2011

So......what is Food Consciousness any way?

Food Consciousness is blending  nutrition (food) and spirituality (consciousness) into a unified state of mind that comes from your Higher Self. In other words, it is contemplating and noticing what your relationship with food looks like and what part of yourself is driving it.....unconsciousness or consciousness.
Consciousness is defined as being spiritually awake....aware of one’s relationship with their spiritual self (as God) and their human self. Consciousness is awareness of Divine Ideas, Inspiration, and the Essence of God. Consciousness and awareness can be used as similar and interchangeable terms. Consciousness is when you are able to realize what you are doing and then ask yourself….does this match your Divine Nature? In a state of consciousness  you observe yourself, noticing your actions, reactions, thoughts, words, and choices as if you were outside of yourself, viewing yourself as God would….because God is everywhere Omnipresent. Consciousness is the next step - while realizing wholeness to create real change. There is an unfathomable freedom that comes with this awareness which clears the way for healthier food relationships. Connecting to consciousness is to awaken to your True Self and how you live from that place of Divinity. Is it in a forward direction, moving backwards, or merely spinning in never ending circles?

 If you are moving in a forward direction you are probably eating a more whole food/plant based eating plan. If you are moving backwards you are probably eating a typical Western “diet”. If you a spinning in never ending circles you are probably eating a typical Western “diet” and then when you notice your bodies health doesn’t feel so healthy you will go on and off the various “commercialized diets” that are available and not so good for your health either. I use the word “diet” in quotes because I believe that “diet” is an ideology that is NOT of God’s energy and carries a low vibrational charge. The word “diet” was created by those wonderful marketers to hypnotize your human side; also known as the consumer. A marketer’s purpose is to brainwash you away from your Divine Knowing of eating mostly foods that Mother Nature provides, which will sustain you months and years on end. An eating plan has a high vibrational energy attached to it because an eating plan is just that, a plan, not something you do for a short period of time but rather for life!
People who are conscious, awake, and realizing their wholeness in order to fulfill their spiritual well-being will recognize their bodies as a temple and as one of the greatest gifts from God. When people operate from their Divine Nature, their relationship with food is not an unconscious shoveling of food in their mouth, a form of medicine, or choices made to go along with the tribal mind because that’s what everyone else is doing. No! A conscious soul finds their relationship with food easy….joyfully consuming Mother Nature’s bounty which gives their bodies Pure Divine Nourishment in honor of the “gift” they know they have.
In this day and age we know so much more about our relationship with food than our ancestors, and yet we eat and think about food in a way that is almost unrecognizable to past generations. Fuel and energy is the simplest definition of food. Understanding how your body reacts to food, and knowing what adjustments need to be made, can have a profound effect on your mind, body, and soul. However, the intimate connection between your eating plan and your spiritual well-being is less understood. The common thought is that food is energy for the body, but more importantly it is a gift for the soul. Some foods can weaken the functioning of the mind, body, and soul where your energy feels sapped, while others elevate the body system and support you to feel vibrant.
Taking the time to notice if anxiety, a foggy head, digestive ailments, or even mild depression may be linked to food can empower you to treat your mind, body, and soul with higher choices. Sugar, saturated fats, wheat, and animal products are known scientifically to produce inflammation in your body and change your brain chemistry which creates stress and dis-ease. On the other hand, water, fiber, nuts, unprocessed seeds, raw fruits and vegetables, and vegetable proteins provide natures nutrients without additional substances you do not need.
Most people are aware that it is important to choose a variety of foods to create a state of good health and well-being. The problem with this statement is….its too vague. An unconscious person can interpret this statement to mean choosing a variety of foods from the middle isle’s of the grocery store or eating from a variety of fast food restaurants. See how easily such a common statement can be misconstrued depending on the state of your consciousness and spiritual well being. Let me ask you this.…is that what Jesus would do??? Yes, I was being funny, but also serious at the same time!
We’ll discuss unconscious and conscious eating in the next blogs to come!