I believe we can agree that we all know what unconscious eating looks like because most everyone around us is eating from the tribal mind of the typical Western diet. So I am not going to go into the details of what that looks like from food choices or habits. Rather, I am going to talk about what unconscious eating looks like philosophically.
Just because an ideology or way of doing something is popular or mainstream doesn’t mean it is the best choice to make. Interestingly thou, part of the way something becomes popular is because the individuals within the tribal mind do not take the time to determine what is right for them. Instead, it is simpler to do what the rest of the tribal mind/society is doing. Unfortunately, when you approach your life unconsciously from both your spiritual self and your human self, your decisions are being made by default and NOT consciously. Going along with the tribal mind and eating a typical Western diet may be the result of pressure by family or peers or just plain accepting social conditioning to do things the way they have always been. It’s not easy to go against the grain….you may find people feel threatened when you make decisions and choices that are divergent from the ones everyone else makes. Furthermore, it’s easy to feel frustrated when you feel unsupported and misunderstood simply because you are elevating your mind, body, and soul from the tribal mind. But this is where connecting to Source and experiencing “It’s” strength and love for your body temple that will bring healing and a knowing that this new desire of conscious eating is your wholeness expressing.
When you are unconscious, you are sending your body messages that you are not good enough. Whenever you do this, you are creating energy that damages the body in the form of stress, aliments, and dis-ease by choosing unconscious eating as your choice. Being hard on yourself is a waste of energy and saps your mind, body, and soul of much needed energy to be used in positive ways. Maybe you can understand what I am saying by remembering a time when someone made you feel you weren’t good enough. Take that feeling and magnify it when you do this to yourself. If you tune into this unconscious message….you will intuitively say to yourself – I know this cannot be good for me. This is where self love and self worth create a foundation of consciousness with God that spurs an impulse to activate your desire to eat consciously. If you do not have self love or self worth in the development of your spiritual well-being or your human self…. food struggles may still worm their way into your choices and sabotage you from fulfilling a conscious eating plan.