of all the blogs I have covered so far....none are more important than this foundational concept. It is the Divine key to realizing wholeness and consciousness. This ideology is the closest to
my heart and the essence of Food Conscousness.
I have a strong resonance with this bible verse: “Do you not know
that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” 1 Corinthians
3:16. This scripture is the very reason that I pursued two nutrition degrees
and dedicated my life’s work to health care. It was very apparent to me as a
youngster that health and a healthy body would be my passion and driving force
in life. There is an old Arabian proverb that embodies a universal truth: “He
who has health has hope; he who has hope has everything; so guard your health
as your most precious possession”.
like to substitute the word “gift” in the place of “possession,” as the word possess is of the ego and the word gift
comes from a giver, which is of high vibrational energy. Your state of health
is determined by the absence of symptoms in your body. Your health and your
body are almost synonymous, so the Arabian proverb is stating the obvious truth
that your life will not exist if you do not take care of your body. Yet, we
have more than fifty percent of Americans slowly killing themselves and their
soul purpose with every unconscious lift of the fork, among other low
vibrational choices.
the moments of your life - from enjoying the flavors of food, listening to
music, and observing the beauty of a sunset - were all made possible because of
the magnificence and complexity of your body. Our bodies create life and give
birth to soul and flesh. It can create Egyptian pyramids and Golden Gate Bridges
from our imagination. The body can run 100 meters in 9.72 seconds and climb the
highest mountain in the world. In order for our bodies to perform any of these
gifts they must send thousands of electrical signals known as neuro- transmissions
throughout the body and maintain a rhythmic heart beat, which are by and large
molecular miracles.
may forget about these miracles happening inside your body and take them for
granted, but why do we do this knowing the quality of our health is determined
by how we take care of our bodies? This is where the disconnect to Source will
lower your vibration and, as a result, your food choices will be less than Divine.
Your body is always trying to maintain homeostatic health and metabolism for
your optimal well-being, no matter how badly you treat it. Your body is always
talking to you, although most of the times you choose to ignore what it is
pain, and illness will eventually surface in order to get your attention.
Illness is a mirror of your inner thoughts and beliefs, which tells you there
is a false idea in your consciousness. In other words, something that you are
saying, believing, taking on, or doing that is not for your higher good must be
taking place – otherwise the symptoms, pain, or illness would not be created in
your body. Your body, mind, and soul are all vitally involved in creating or
healing illness. If you want to heal an illness, yet you still believe the
answers are outside yourself and you do not clear the emotional or spiritual
issues that surround that body ailment, it will remain in your body or reoccur
again and again. Illness can be your greatest teacher. When you realize that
every cell in your body responds to every thought you think….then your life,
your health, and your spiritual well-being will be forever changed.
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