Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Power Vampires...... create illness

I am writing this blog on the date of a full moon. Furthermore, October is the month that celebrates Halloween and whollah ….. you will find the title to this month’s blog to be timely and fitting.

When your body, mind, and spirit are in harmony, you experience vibrant health. Yet, sometimes you will get caught up in the stress of life and maybe allow people to take your power, which will get you out of balance. Just as with the seasons, your body goes through cycles of cleansing and times of disruption. Illness is a sign that it is time to cleanse the buildup of negative energy from “power vampires” or from the manner in which you are treating yourself.
Your body gives you signals when it is uncomfortable or stressed. But when you don’t listen, then the imbalance amplifies and a stronger message is manifested in the form of illness or dis-ease. The first step to restoring a harmonious being….. is to take back your power and turn on your consciousness.
The biggest source of negative energy comes from your relationships with people; it also includes being unconscious to your choices, and following the crowd. All your relationships with people and with food can be both the source of your struggles and your solutions. Reacting to a person (parent, spouse, or boss) by getting upset or building up resentment will only entrench you to allow them to take your power. Only by disengaging and becoming still, going inward to your center, can you begin to see how the “power vampire” just sucked the life out of you – the power you have inherited from God. When you use meditation instead of reaction, you will most likely find unprocessed emotions you can finally fully feel and release. The more you are able to develop this practice, the less you will be bothered by  other people’s (labels, lack of support, or negative energy) and instead, have a new way of responding without reacting.
People are in our lives for a reason, to show us something about ourselves that we would not notice otherwise. When “power vampires” try to sink their teeth into you with their mind games and power trips, you can remind yourself that you have something to learn and there is a part of you that is calling out for healing. This practice takes the focus off the vampire in your life and puts the focus back on you, giving you the opportunity to change the situation from the inside out.
If you don’t know how to handle the power vampires in your life…. you will likely react to them by taking on their labels, building up resentment, and continuing to make unconscious choices. These reactions will usually involve food, thus making your food relationship unhealthy and ultimately creating dis-ease or illness in your body.