Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Are you more evolved than the food you eat?

Consciousness is defined as being spiritually awake, aware of one’s relationship with one’s spiritual self (as God) and one’s human self simultaneously. Consciousness is awareness of Divine Ideas, Inspiration, and the Essence of God.
What does consciousness really consist of?
1)     The Conscious State: Occurs at the waking level, which is external active thinking

2)     The Unconscious State: Occurs at the dreaming level with subtle images and impressions

3)     The Subconscious State: Occurs at the deep sleep level with a focus on inactive thought patterns

4)     Consciousness: Occurs in the level of the absolute with equal permeation of all 3 levels
Your level of consciousness using David Hawkins Level of Consciousness Scale is not to be viewed as a blanket statement. You may have strengths in one area of consciousness and weaknesses in other area of consciousness.
Because humans have to eat in order to survive, food can be seen as a true symbol of power. The choices we make in how to eat determines the amount of disease we cause ourselves, which ultimately affects the long term of whether we survive with quality of life. Food struggles are linked to emotional baggage more than any other factor. This emotional baggage lies buried in your subconscious until deep attention is given to clear and remove emotions held in your body consciousness.
As we raise the frequency and vibration of our over-all consciousness we begin to operate with a freedom that no longer binds us to material parameters. This is why when one reaches a high level of Food Consciousness they no longer require counting calories, calculating grams of protein, or restricting such foods as fruits, which are high vibrational carbohydrates. When you reach that level of Food Consciousness your inner wisdom will draw you to the very foods that God intended for us (plants) Mother Nature’s bounty.
Just as plants make their own food for themselves from light, we too will do the same. As the collective consciousness rises in frequency, a transition from human being to sacred human will cause our gut/belly to mutate and change the physiology of how it now works. Within this human evolution it is possible for humans to eat less man-made foods and return to the natural world for real nutrition. Eventually, humans will stop eating meat and eventually stop eating plants and make their own nutrition just as plants do. With that metamorphisis our bellies will be less dependent for digestion, rather now the belly/navel can be a place one contemplates and digests their oneness with the cosmos
If you would like to know your level of Food Consciousness: Email Ask for the Nutrition Response Test. Shannon will grade your test and provide a brief report of your level of Food Consciousness using the Hawkins Scale of Consciousness for FREE.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Food as Medicine - Tomato

“Tomato…is it a Fruit or a Vegetable?”

“He that takes medicine and neglects diet, wastes the skill of the physician”
- Chinese Proverb 

The healing power of foods is emerging from scientific research, due in large part to the growing interest of health minded consumers. In fact, foods provided by Mother Nature have no confusion at all with the life force within its creations. It is us, our human nature that has the tomato confused, seeing it as a vegetable when it is actually a fruit.
“Foods with a purpose” is a new term awakening in the food industry. In the scientific world these are known as “functional foods.” These foods supply a therapeutic health benefit beyond the traditional nutrients they contain to mediate many diseases of the modern age, as defined by the Institute of Medicine.
Tomatoes are fruits! Any food with seeds is classified as a fruit, even though we tend to consider the tomato a vegetable. We may be confused about what tomatoes are, but the tomato knows it contains a potent cancer fighting property within its fruity substance called lycopene. The tomato contains many other phytochemicals, mainly carotenoids and flavonols, which also have antioxidant activity. This matrix of phytochemicals, working in combination with lycopene, is the primary reason the tomato has superb health benefits and cancer protection.
In 1999, during the meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Kuck O. et al presented a paper whose study showed a more direct relationship between the consumption of lycopene and prostate cancer. Lycopene protects against cancer by activating phase II enzymes, which defend against cancer activity.
You can get the most medicinal value from tomatoes by cooking them. Lycopene seems to be activated and becomes more bio-available when heated. Therefore, tomato sauce and spaghetti sauce become food choices that work within your body to protect your cells from cancer invaders.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Food as Medicine - Cabbage

“Cabbage, the Cruciferous Wizard”
Let nothing which can be treated by diet be treated by other means
- Maimonides

“Foods with a purpose” is a new term awakening in the food industry. In the scientific world, these are known as “functional foods.” These foods supply a therapeutic health benefit beyond the traditional nutrients they contain to mediate many diseases of the modern age, as defined by the Institute of Medicine.
The healing power of foods is emerging from scientific research, due in large part to the growing interest of health minded consumers. In fact, the foods provided by Mother Nature have powers greater than Harry Potter? If you were not aware of this….get on your broom and let’s fly away into the science and healing found within nature’s foods.
Cabbage is a force of nature with its powerful amounts of vitamin K and C. Just one cup supplies 91% of the recommended daily amount for vitamin K, and 50% of vitamin C. Believe it or not, cabbage supplies 11% more vitamin C than an orange. It is also a great source of fiber, manganese, and vitamin B6.
Cabbage also contains high levels of an antioxidant called sulforaphane, which fights free radical damage. Free radicals are like the core of a nuclear reactor. If it begins to leak radioactive material, it can be very dangerous to the surrounding area and our bodies’ DNA. Cabbage also provides double protection from “warlocks spells and curses” by stimulating enzymes that detoxify carcinogens in the body. Cruciferous veggies like cabbage reduce the risk of cancer more effectively than any other plant food group.
Try sauerkraut and improve your digestive health as potent probiotics work their magic! Cabbage builds strong bones and reduces allergic reactions. It also reduces inflammation and prevents plaque formation in the blood vessels like a cardiovascular sorcerer. The star of the show is the red cabbage, having seven times more vitamin C and four times more polyphenols than its green counterpart.
Did you know that cabbage was this magical…this powerful? We must remember that the right food can be medicinal – not just something to satisfy our taste buds. By eating more whole foods as medicine, we may just see those trips to the doctor become less frequent.

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Local Austin people may order an autographed copy of the book Food Consciousness at:

 ***This article does not provide medical or any other healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Food as Medicine - Dandelion

“Dandelion…not just a Pesky Weed”

The healing power of foods is emerging from scientific research, due in large part to the growing interest of health minded consumers. In fact, the foods provided by Mother Nature also share with us the energy found in the resilience of a weed?
“Foods with a purpose” is a new term awakening in the food industry. In the scientific world these are known as “functional foods.” These foods supply a therapeutic health benefit beyond the traditional nutrients they contain to mediate many diseases of the modern age, as defined by the Institute of Medicine.
Weeds are defined by their tendency to flourish at the expense of human intervention. A dandelion is a plant that is a weed only within a certain context. In a sense, weeds are harbingers of uncultivated earth, pushing their way into the human order of gardens and well-ordered plots, undermining our human supervision. In the wild, there is no such thing as a weed because the overall vision is in the hands of Mother Nature, which accommodates and incorporates all forms of life. The next time you see a weed, you might want to look deeply into its roots, discover its name, its habits, and its possible uses, rather than seeing an unwanted intruder. You may be surprised to find, like the dandelion, this plant you call a weed can share with you healing properties offering its leaves for medicinal tea or its flowers for a colorful salad.
One cup of raw dandelion greens provides 535% of vitamin K and 112% of vitamin A, according to RDA standards. Dandelion greens are one of the best source of beta-carotene, and additionally a good source of vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium, and fiber.
Dandelion has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine to treat kidney and liver conditions such as kidney stones, jaundice, and cirrhosis. Dandelion supports the entire digestive system as a natural diuretic. The properties in the dandelion increase urine output and help flush toxins and excess salt from the kidneys.
Inulin, found in dandelion, is a natural soluble fiber, which is also found in the Chicory root. Inulin not only has a surplus of fiber, but also has prebiotic properties that provide healthy bacteria for the intestinal tract. Dandelion roots, leaves, and pectin are all parts of the plant that provide various health benefits to our bodies. Dandelion is excellent for reducing edema, bloating, and water retention; therefore it helps reduce high blood pressure.
Dandelion greens are considered a specialty item in some areas, which can be difficult to find if you do not have a Whole Foods Grocer in your area. They also have a pungent taste, a flavor people either like or dislike. But here is a tip for you to try in order to incorporate dandelion is your eating plan. If the raw leaves are too bitter for you, try lightly steaming or sautéing them; heating seems to calm the bitter components in the leaves in order for your palate to accept and enjoy.
The dandelion is more than a weed….it is a plant that provides remedies and bountiful health to our bodies, thanks to its tenacious existence as a weed.
“Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot if you can heal the patient with food”
- Hippocrates
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Local Austin people can order Food Consciousness (the book) at:

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Weight Loss....always part of New Year's Resolutions. Why?

Before I give you my first blog for the New Year….I want to announce that the blogs for 2013 will focus on a new theme called “Food as Medicine,” which is an aspect of eating from your Higher Self in a state of mind you know as Food Consciousness. I will also intersperse some spiritual titles and themes as the year goes along. Be Well……may you find vibrant health body, mind, and soul.

Our bodies are living temples, and they deserve all the loving care we can give to them. This should include as our number one priority….eating consciously (from our Higher Self with Consciousness). Our bodies allow us to experience the world at different levels of longevity and quality, depending on how we treat it. Unfortunately, our bodies have had to act as the proverbial compensator because most Americans don’t treat or embrace their bodies as a temple. Are you not feeling your best? Have you put on some extra weight? Have you had to buy a new wardrobe because your waist line has increased? Do you continually go on the latest diet because the last one and the one before that was not sustainable?
You can make the choice to be good to your body and eat consciously starting today – if you are willing to go within and stop looking for answers outside of yourself that tell you to count calories/points, starve yourself eating less than 1000 calories, or eating pre-packaged food that isn’t even food.
The Standard American Diet (SAD) includes: 62% processed foods and sugar, 25% animal proteins/products, 10% fresh produce/plant foods, and 2.5% whole grains.
 A Conscious Eating Plan includes: 62-67% fresh produce/plant foods, 25% whole grains, and 5-10% animal proteins/products, and 2.5% processed foods/sugar.
Going to our center and practicing being in the silence are the first two steps that move us to create conscious choices and work from a deeper place of improving our health and embracing our bodies as temples. From this place, we can be gently honest with ourselves about the reasons we over-eat, eat certain foods, and follow the tribal mind of the Standard American Diet (SAD). Our bodies have a great wisdom within them when we pay attention and do not follow the tribal mind conditioning we were socialized with. A Food Conscious mindset invests in love and attention to the care and support of a beautiful creation that helps us experience this thing we call life with longevity and grace.
Women are told we cannot lose weight as easily as men, NOT TRUE!
We are told that once we reach the age of 35 our metabolisms become slower and slower, NOT TRUE!
We are told that if we want to lose weight we have to work out like maniacs, NOT TRUE!
 We are told that if you only have 10 to 15 pounds to lose - its harder than if you’re obese, NOT TRUE! 
How do I know this???? I switched to a mostly whole food/plant based eating plan to clear up my digestive issues and without it even being my intention – I lost 15 pounds within 4 months doing no exercise due to back pain. I now weigh what I was in high school and have kept if off for a year easily. When you eat as God intended these “untruths” are no longer barriers…..that is the real truth! 
The first (13) people to provide two answers (both correct); to the one question below – will win an  E-version of my book Food Consciousness. Email your answers to Make sure you email from a viable and active email address as this will be the address the E-version of the book will be electronically sent. Only if you are a winner will you be contacted. The contest will go on until (13) submissions have correct answers. The conclusion of the contest will be announced on Facebook.

What makes a plant based eating plan easily bring forth weight loss and vibrant health?

#1 PHYTO - __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ S  

#2 MICRO - __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ S