Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Diving deep...... into willingness

Is your relationship with food causing turmoil within you? If so, you will find yourself struggling and even fighting with your thoughts and emotions when it comes to your choices with food. We have been conditioned to find the answers to our food problems (overweight, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol) with “black and white” answers of (counting calories, controlling portions, fasting), and other good but insidious measures. Until you become conscious that the struggle is within you, you can’t turn your attention to your Divine Source. You must be willing to look where you need to and feel emotions that may feel uncomfortable at first. Only then can you choose to be open to all options, imaginable and unimaginable. In the process of openness and self examination, you may discover you are resisting something based on a condition, habit, addiction, wound, or a limited understanding of your “True Self”. What do I mean by “True Self”? Not the self that is known by your name, or the roles that you play, or your personality characteristics. No! The “True Self” I am talking about is your God Self Expressing. This Divine expression emanates from you because your relationship with and attention to God is first in your life, as exemplified by your choice of words, thoughts, and actions.

Stop limiting yourself to thinking the answer is “out there” as long as you keep looking. Many people use the hunt for answers to abdicate personal responsibility in order to feel some sense of power. But that sense of power is just “smoke and mirrors”. If you are willing to examine your relationship with food….is it related to feelings of loss, confusion, anxiety, trauma, or even some other reason? Then, and only then, will you allow a space for the Universe to move in your life and bring forth “sustainable changes”.

Opening yourself to willing examination may feel like you are surrendering or abandoning all that you believe. But at the same time, that is the point; it is an act of power – “real power”. The courage it takes to make a conscious choice…. employs the use of your personal will.  Being willing to “dive deep” is to be in a state of willing something into creation. It is a space of being and doing from a place of openness, where you can work with the Universe rather than resist it by looking outside yourself. When you take the step toward willingness or diving into it….. you open yourself to truth, possibilities, and the movement of Divine Wisdom in and through your life!!!!

As this process continues to unfold and your journey toward operating from your “True Self” reveals itself through consciousness, forgiveness, and letting go……peace will “be your state of mind”. In a peaceful state, your Divine Self is in the driver’s seat guiding you to make choices where you know your body IS your temple. Thus, your relationship with food becomes joyful, wholesome nourishment that isn’t perfect, but in harmony with both your human self and your Divine Self. Weight problems and dis-ease will, little by little, become a thing of the past. This process does NOT produce instant results like Jenny Craig or HCG weight loss programs, but if you are aligned with your Divine Self at all, the ego driven – “gotta have it NOW” - won’t even be in your vocabulary.

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